"Stay hungry. Stay foolish." - Steve Jobs

Global Entrepreneur-in-Residence Program

Our Global EIR Program focuses on helping entrepreneurs to build global business in three critical areas, through learning-by-doing:

  • Acquire minimum viable funding to start their global business via Pre-selling their Products/Services globally with Reward-based Crowdfunding approach.
  • Acquire ideal global clients and build global “1,000 True Fan” for their Products/Services via Reward-based Crowdfunding approach.
  • Establish global presence and build global network leveraging Social Media and After-Crowdfunding system, network and resources.
Preparation Prior to Onboarding
  1. Misread market demand.
  2. Run out of money.
12-week Apprentice Training: Pre-Selling & Crowdfunding
  1. Determine right market demand.
  2. Start small to gain traction. Target at $5,000. Do not burn money.
After-Crowdfunding Selling & Continuing Building Global Presence
  1. Monitor market demand. Retest over time.
  2. Replicate recurring revenue stream. Target at MRR > $10,000, or ARR > $100,000.

Preparation Prior to Onboarding

Step 1 - Set your Goal

Before Program
  1. Why do you want to build the business, i.e. what do you want to achieve in terms of Profit, Passion, Purpose? What about your Wealth goal?
  2. What is your Core Power to build the business successfully, i.e. you can survive, sustain and scale?
  3. Who will help you to build the business, i.e. partners, industry experts, mentors? 
  4. How do you plan to build the business? i.e. strategy, roadmap, exit, generational wealth?
  5. Do you plan to scale the business beyond your border? and How? 
After Program
  1. You have a clear Why.
  2. You have a clear Mindset, self awareness of your current Core Power, and willing to upgrade your Core Power to align with your business.
  3. You can build out a Network of Mentors and Experts to help you.
  4. You can build your own system of  Strategies, and can execute to reach your Startup roadmap and Wealth goal.
  5. You want to scale your business beyond your border.

Step 2 - Set your Strategy on Not-to-Fail

The classic Strategy on Not-to-Fail is Sales (revenue generating), Recurring Sales (cashflow generating), and More Recurring Sales (correct market demand, i.e. more and more customers want your product). 

We require every entrepreneur to be able to sell their own products. If you can’t sell Your Own Product, who can?

Crowdfunding has all key qualities for entrepreneurs to practice their Sales skills and build their Sales system in a “nuance” approach, compared to traditional Sales style. This is particularly true for introvert entrepreneurs. 

Top 3 reasons:

  • Writing content for a Crowdfunding campaign helps you structure your thoughts around your own Story and How to brand your product/business, and gain better understanding on Sales & Marketing with specific goal of $$.
  • You could leverage Crowdfunding campaign to figure out the right market demand, test your product and raising funds $$ to launch it.
  • Crowdfunding is a “soft” starting point for you to build a “community of backers” from strangers, going beyond your “friends, family and fools” circle. After the campaign ends, you can continue to raise funds, reach new audiences, and monitor market demands. The best approach is to convert new audiences into loyal customers and ambassadors who will be willing to support and promote your business to their circles in a longer run.

As per our research, 1 in 3 begin their small business with less than $5,000Recent research has shown the most expensive small businesses and startups to launch are restaurants, medical offices, and manufacturing companies, needing more than $100,000 to get started. Meanwhile, startups in accounting, online retail, construction, and landscaping were most likely to get started with under $5,000 in startup costs. 

In our Program, entrepreneurs can set the fundraising target of $$ as much as they want, but we require you to raise a minimum of $5,000

So, our Strategy is not about how much $$ you could raise. Our Strategy is for you to be able to “create your own system“, by training your own Mind and building your Core Power that aligned with your business, which in turn will help you Not to Fail in a longer run.


  1. Misread market demand.
  2. Run out of money.


  1. Determine right market demand.
  2. Start small to gain traction. Target at $5,000. Do not burn money.


  1. Monitor market demand. Retest over time.
  2. Replicate recurring revenue stream. Target at MRR > $10,000, or ARR > $100,000.

Step 3: Find Experts who can help you

Execution Strategy requires entrepreneurs to work on 10 key steps below: 

  1. Build your Founder-Market Fit Story based on your Core Power and Credibility.
  2. Build your Crowdfunding strategy with “Must-be-Deliverable” products and “Dual Goals” – to fundraise and to read market demand. 
  3. Build your Pitch about “Why you? Why now? Why this product”; and Practice-Practice-Practice.
  4. Learn how to use AI-powered tools to produce videos and content for branding and marketing purposes.
  5. Practice Personal marketing tactics by driving traffic from your social media channels to your crowdfunding campaign.
  6. Learn how to run Email marketing from your built-in mailing list with your Pitch video and content, using certain tech tools.
  7. Monitor your Crowdfunding and answer questions with “Customer-centric” mindset. Make sure those backers will become your Ambassador along the way. 
  8. Follow-up with any feedback on product, clarify and verify to make sure those observed tractions reflect accurate market demand.
  9. Refine and redesign, where needed, based on accurate market demand.
  10. Use the fund raised from the campaign to build the product (MVP) and launch it.

Step 4: Launch your business as Global EIR​

Briefly, our Global EIR Program provides strategies, on-the-job training and hand-holding with experts and requires entrepreneurs to launch their business successfully by actively running a crowdfunding campaign and building a minimum viable product simultaneously. Entrepreneurs need to continuously monitor market demand, raise public awareness and gain public support to prepare for next phase after Launch, i.e. Commercialization phase.